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文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2006-10-30   字体: [ ]  
As our "ATI Xenos: XBOX 360 Graphics Demystified" article investigates, the graphics processor for the XBOX 360 console is split into two elements, the main parent "shader core" (manufactured by TSMC at 90nm) which handles most of the graphics operations and the ALU arrays for processing shader programs and a secondary, daughter die (manufactured by NEC at 90nm) which handles the all the sample operations (colour read/blend/write, Multi-Sample AA, Z operations, etc.) and a fast dedicated 10MB of eDRAM that acts as the processors primary frame buffer, that has 256GB/s of bandwidth available to it. We've been supplied with an image of the chip package for the Xenos graphics processor:

xbox360图形芯片分成2个核心,1个核心是主要的着色核心,采用TSMC 90nm工艺,这个核心负责大部分的图形操作和着色程序处理的ALU 排列。这个核心集成2亿3千2百万晶体管。面积较小的核心采用NEC 90nm工艺,负责所有的样本操作(如色彩读取/混合/写入,多采样AA,Z操作等等),小核心内建1亿晶体管和10MB eDRAM,带宽256GB/s。其中10MB eDRAM占去了8千万晶体管数量。 织梦网站管理系统真的好

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