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1849 - Konjiki no Gashbell - Unare Yuujou no Zakeru 2 (J)
文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2006-10-27   字体: [ ]  

Game Information:
Publisher Banpresto
Country Japan
Language Japanese
Date 2004-12-22

Dump Information:
Group Caravan
Date 2004-12-23
Filename cvn-kguyz.zip

Internal Information:
Internal Name GASH-ZAKERU2
Version 1.0
Checksum n/a
Complement 54h
CRC32 B7827F20h
Size 128 Mbit
Save Type EEPROM_V124 (4Kbit)

上一篇:1850 - Lord of the Rings - Uchitsu Kuni Daisanki (J)   下一篇:1848 - Genseishin Justirisers - Souchaku Chikyuu no Senshita

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Power by DedeCms