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[07/18] 动物之森DS 目前为止最全的细节
- You travel into the game in a car, and travel around in said car.
- The train station is gone, it's now a 'main gate', guarded by the police dogs from the original Animal Crossing (Booker and Copper). Talking to Copper (the one that wanders outside the police station in the original) lets you go to other towns (either via local wireless connection or WiFi), check for lost items, change the flag or get some kind of hint.
火车站取消,取而代之的是“门”。门的守卫有两个,都是来自前作中的Booker 和 Copper(就是之前公布的图里两个穿警服的狗狗,前作里一直在警察局外四处巡逻的)。跟Copper交谈可以去其他村(无论是本地无线连接或者WIFI),检查遗失物品,改变标记或者得到一些提示
- To visit other peoples' towns over WiFi you have to know the name of the destination town. To avoid strangers appearing in random towns, players create a friends list. Friends can be added manually or by clicking an option when using wireless local mode. You can visit the town of anybody on your friends list providing that they are online and their copy of the game uses the same alphabet. dedecms.com
- Real life holidays are now gone and are replaced with Animal Crossing specific ones, to make the game more compatible for online play.
- You cannot leave your town without making sure all guests are gone. You cannot get into towns that do not have their owner in them, and they cannot get into yours while you are offline or visiting another town.
- You can control your character with either the D-Pad or the stylus.
- The top screen is used for the sky to show weather effects, the mail pelican, balloons, stars (which can be connected into your own constellations), etc. 爱做站,爱织梦
- Players can alter the game time without altering the DS system time. This means you can play the game's days when it is night in real life, for example.
- The menu is split into distinct groups: briefcase (holds up to 15 items and 10 letters and shows your money, you can customise your character's appearance here), drawing board (design your own cap, home, art, shirt, umbrella, rug, or wallpaper), fish table (fish you've caught), insect table (insects you've caught), communication box (communicate with others in real time - a chat program), map (can show town buildings and houses seperately) and escape (goes back to the main game screen).
·绘画板:设计你自己的帽子、家、美术品、衬衫、雨伞、毯子或者墙纸 爱做站,爱织梦
- Tom Nook's shop may now be on two floors, with a salon upstairs. A point system used to get discounts will also be in place - get 300 points (amassed with multiple purchases) and you become a 'member' and get further discounts.
Tom Nook的店现在扩大到了两层,二楼是美容理发店。一个合理的点数系统,可以让你得到一点折扣:例如通过多次交易获得300点,可以让你成为“会员”而得到更多的折扣
- The post office and town hall may now be integrated into one.
- The largest house in the demo played had two floors, but it's said to feature much larger houses.
- Multiple characters can enter a single house at the same time. 织梦CMS
- Players can now apparently choose where they want their house in the town.
- Four players can play using the same card, living in the same house. As you make your house bigger, you can give players seperate rooms.
- Full camera control is available inside your house.
- A telephone is in the house - perhaps this is used to 'call' other DS' or for communication with the other inhabitants of your town.
- Storage will be easier - fridges, cupboards or other furniture that can store items can hold 90 items (stored in 6 different compartments, 15 items in each). 欢迎使用DedeCms
- A feature where somebody can draw something in Pictochat then send it directly to a bulletin board in somebody's town is being considered.
- Animal Island is most likely omitted, and NES games are definitely out.
- There may be a character who appears that requires that the player draws them a face, such as in the first game. However, this one will be saved and may randomly visit others' (off your friends list?) towns telling them about you.
- Players can interact with each other better than they would with non-playable characters and can kick sand at each other, and perhaps host fishing tournaments, play tag, etc. Dedecms.com 版权所有
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